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Occupational Therapy
Specializing in children birth to teenage years.
Sherri Cooperman B.Sc. OT, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Skills for Success provides private occupational therapy services for children birth to teenage years. Services are offered at an in-home clinic located in Newmarket. As well, home and school visits are offered to those living within the Newmarket / Aurora / Richomond Hill area.

Skills for Success offers comprehensive evaluation and treatment to support children with the following needs:
Gross and Fine Motor Coordination
Attention Span and Self Regulation
Motor Planning/Praxis
Self Care and Dressing
Fine Motor Dexterity
Play and Social Skills
Eye Hand Coordination
Strength and Endurance
Oral Motor Skills and Feeding
Visual Perceptual and Visual Motor Skills
Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration
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